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Agricultural Biologicals:
Biofertilizer, Adjuvants & Inputs

Your Trusted Source for Biologicals

RVAE uses a boots-on-the-farm approach when it comes to placing biologicals on the farm. We believe the same care and attention as placing the right corn hybrid on the right soil should also be applied to placing the right biological on the right farm. When properly placed on your farm, we expect more biological activity, better soil structure and tilth, better nutrient efficiency and availability, better soil health, and ultimately more profitability on every acre.

In an effort to provide the best products for your farm, RVAE represents several different biological companies which gives us the ability and access to place the product that best fits your farm and your end goal. 


Biologicals are available in several categories:

Biodigesters- Beneficial bacteria and fungi to aid in breakdown of plant residue to convert to a more readily available form of nutrients for the next crop. They help to accelerate the increase of organic matter and help to break down the inoculum in soil carried over from plant diseases from the previous growing season.
Seed Treatments-These treatments include Trichoderma, mycorrhizal, Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum, and other beneficial microbes. A
biological seed treatment is one of the best ways to get a plant off to a quicker start by ultimately developing a more significant root system which in turn will lead to an in-season advantage for your crop. There are seed treater applied and planter box treatments available.
Biofertilizers- A biofertilizer is a substance which contains living micro-organisms which colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. Biofertilizers add nutrients through the natural processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of growth-promoting substances. Biofertilizers can be expected to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Biopesticides- Biological control of pests is usually achieved through the application of one of Beauveria Bassiana, Bacillus strains or other similar type micro-organisms. It is becoming common to co-apply a biopesticide with more common synthetic pesticides to add another mode-of-action to your crop protection program.
Biofungicides- Biofungicides are gaining popularity very quickly. They can be applied on seed, in-furrow, and foliar applied. They are very effective in controlling white mold, frog eye, and other fungal and bacterial diseases.
Manure treatments-For a significant number of farms, manure is a common source of nutrients for crop production. Biological manure treatments are a great tool to help accelerate the break-down of manure, compost, and green manures to build soil and to enhance and accelerate nutrient uptake.Typically soil tilth and structure are improved while also enhancing odor control.
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